You couldn't ask for a movie with a higher pedigree of talent in front of the camera and behind the scenes. 1963's The Great Escape is populated wall-to-wall with actors that I enjoy: Steve McQueen ( Bullit ), James Garner ( Support Your Local Sheriff ), Charles Bronson ( Mr. Majestyk ), Donald Pleasance ( Halloween ), James Coburn ( In Like Flint ) and Richard Attenborough ( Jurassic Park ) lead an all-star cast of current A-listers (and some that would be). Handling directing duties is John Sturges, a director who helmed more than his fair share of classics, including Last Train from Gun Hill (1959), The Magnificent Seven (1960), and The Eagle Has Landed (1976) . So it's with something close to guilt that I admit in this review that I don't love The Great Escape. I know I should. All the elements for success are there, from real-life heroism, underdogs that the audience can (and should) root for, even triumphs and tragedies as played out agains...
I would have ordered the Kino Lorber version of Silence of the Lambs but I already have the Criterion version of the movie. If Kino had a bunch of extras that weren't already on the Criterion disc, I would probably have purchased it. Thanks for the review Heath!